Captain Doug Mahlum has been with the Great Falls Police Department for over 22 years. During the course of his career with the Great Falls Police Department, he has served within every sworn Bureau of the Department. Mahlum spent a significant amount of his career within the Investigative Services Bureau as a General Case Investigator and has also held assignments within the Patrol Services Bureau, as a patrolman and supervising patrol teams as a Sergeant and Lieutenant. As a Lieutenant, Mahlum worked in two assignments within the Support Services Bureau. He spent 5-years as the Lieutenant responsible for all hiring and recruiting sworn and civilian employees. He most recently served as the GFPD’s Training Coordinator and Public Information Officer. Mahlum is the Captain of the Support Services Bureau. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice from Minot State University. Mahlum was a founding board member of the Montana Violent Crime Investigator’s Association (MVCIA) founded in 2007. The MVCIA has provided thousands of training hours on violent crime for investigators from all over Montana and the Northwest. Mahlum is a sports and outdoors enthusiast and when not working at the police department, he’s either teaching youth sports or chasing all things wildlife in our Great State of Montana!
Captain Mahlum